Fly Tying Season

When I leave work during the week, I have about a 1.5 hours of day light, and that flat out sucks.

Enter Fly Tying Season.
I haven’t had the chance to sit down at the vise to put in an extended amount of time in for quite a while.  I’ll begin filling my own personal boxes and taking care of any orders that may come in.  One of my goals this fly tying season, is to come up with something new and different or a revised version of another pattern out there.
Now that Wisconsin has extended their trout season, I think I’ll be able to find enough time to make it to Southwest Wisconsin, in the Driftless area for an outing.  I haven’t made the drive that way in 2 years, since I totaled my car on the expressway, because, of some deer frolicking on the highway at 4 AM.
Clousers are a staple in any bass fly fishermans box.  These simple patterns do nothing but catch fish.  Here are some reds and blues.  My favorite are chartreuse over white, not pictured here.
..and as cabin fever sets in during mid winter, this is probably what I’ll look like, as I start to lose my mind.
If anyone is interested in a decal, please shoot me an email at or book face message, and I will gladly send you one.
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